
Journal A
 Do you know “ Takanori Hukushima “ He is a world-famous doctor called Godhand. He established the cure of brain tumor without big wound and big risk. It is the first time in the world. He helps many seriously ill patient every day.
His weak point is dealing with people. That is why, he has brought a suit once. He is very skillful with the fingers. In addition to the skill of the operation, he is famous for good drummer.
Based on these things, I think that he is right brain.   


Journal C

Journal C

     My favorite food is Papico, which is sold for a long time. It is ice cream. There are three reasons why I like this. . First, I like taste of Papico. It is milk coffee taste. I think that the proportion of coffee and milk is ideal proportion. Second, This food is low in calories in any ice cream. Finally, I like Papico’s shape. It is tube ice, and two tubes are close together.
My dream is that I will eat half of Papico with my boyfriend.
People must look down on it, but perhaps this dream will come true.
“ If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true. By Cinderella”
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