
The Big Dipper

when the sky is clear and dark, go outside and look for the dippers. Look to the north.
There you will see the Big Dipper, the North Ster, and the Little Dipper.

In the book, the story about the North Star is written. In summer and in winter, we can see some of the stars. The form of these stars are different summer and winter, but same stars.
These stars named Big Dipper, because The Dipper in the sky looks a water dipper.
If you find Big Dipper, you can find North Star near Big Dipper.
The North Star is a very important star. Sailors and other travelers use it to help them find their way.

Dipper            お玉じゃくし ひしゃく
bend                曲がっている
sail                 船の帆                                             156wards


Fireflies in the Night

In this story, the little girl's grandfather tell her many thing about Fireflies.
Fore example, Fireflies always shire brighter in warm weather,  but in cold weather firefly lights will fade.
Firefly light was used as many use. In the Caribbean, and in some parts of South America. People sometimes wear net bags full of fireflies tied to their ankles. these home made flashlights help them find their way along the dark jungle.
I surprised that the gardens are lighted at night by firefly lanterns in japan!

Bug  小さな昆虫
Beetle  カブトムシ
Fold    折り畳む 折る
Fade    衰える
Cozy   居心地のよい


The Lion and the Mouse

"I'm sorry, little mouse," said Lion.

In this story, the lion was woke up by a mouse. the lion got angry and roared.
The mouse begged the lion " Please don't kill me. Maybe I can save your life too"
Lion didn't believe the mouse's said, but the next day, Lion walked into a trap, and he was helped the mouse. The Lion said the mouse "I'm sorry, little mouse. I'm wrong. Even little friends can be good friends."

I knew this story named Nezumi no Ongaesi.

roar  吠える
beg   懇願する                                         83words

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I watched the trailer for Amazing Spider-man2 only 5 munits. It seems very nice. Espeshally, The hero, who is spider-man and his friend are cool! I have watched Amazing Spiderman1.


Memorial Day Weekend

Today, we watched the trailer for a movie with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. I think it was called Memorial Day weekend. It starts with a date between Drew Barrymore and adam Sandler. The date is humilating for Drew Barrymore, because she eats some beer to soothe her mou

Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat

   But Mudge didn't mind, because Mudge loved the cat, too

In this story, the shabbiest cat come to Henly's home. He and his family decide care this cat until we find a home for the cat. The shabbiest cat made Mudge use good manners.
Generally, dog don't like cat, and cat don't like dog. But Mudge didn't mind cat's act, because Mudge loved the cat.

shabbiest   最もみすぼらしい
nap            うたた寝
disaster      災害


Henry and Mudge under the Yellow Moon

Henry and Mudge liked being together…

As the title suggests, Henry and Mudge are true friend and family. Usually, dog cannot understand humans talk means, but Mudge maybe understand Henry's feelings.
Henry's mother invites henry's friends to listen to ghost stories in Halloween night.


Hi!! my name is Hikaru Masunaga. I am a KGU student and I am looking forward your class.
I belong to track and field club in KGU and I running long distance.  My hobbies are running, cooking, reading manga and eating.

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