First, If you became twenty years old, you can drink alcohol. Maybe many people drink alcohol under twenty because of drinking party in club or part time job or work, but they can drink alcohol in a dignified manner, if they are over the twenty.
Ikkinomi is very dangerous. some time, few people are taken to hospital by Ikkinomi.
And then, the thing that they are under the twenty if they are under the twenty, and they are scolded by their parent and other people.
Third, I will get the right to vote. This is very impossible things. Possibly the represent in my city or japan by my vote. I have to read Newspaper or watch the news more.
Finally, In japan, Seizinshiki(成人式) is held in various regions on January. Seizinshiki is the event people, who are twenty years old perceive that I am adult and cerebrate the youth survive them life all by themselves. Many girls wear long sleeved kimono in Seizinshiki.
Seizinshiki is once in their lifetime big moment for girl. My long sleeved kimono is handed down from my mother. My mother is 47 years old, so I have to wear the long sleeved kimono, which was made twenty seven years ago.......
First, If you… >>
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Finally, In japan, >>
Finally, in Japan,
survive them life ??
some time, >>