Per and his girlfriend, Nina are on holiday in the country. They walk in the forest, because the forest looks beautiful. But the forest is very dark and quiet. Suddenly Per fall over a tree and strange stone, and they discovered the old cup under the strange stone. They decided to take the cup to the museum tomorrow. When they walked back to their car, Per saw strange man into the forest.
Next day, They go to museum near their hotel, and ask old curator about cup.
"Take the cup back to the" the curator said. "But why?"Per asks.
"There are some Viking graves in the forest. This cup is from them."
Per and Nina are drinking coffee in the hotel. Per suggested to back the cup to the forest, but Nina didn't believe. She thought that she sell the cup.Nina thought about money, so Nina is driving away from the hotel very fast with the cup. " Stop Nina!" Per calls, but Nina didn't stop. She was driving away with the cup.
Nina drived for a long time. It was getting dark, and there are no cars on the road. It was raining. Suddenly, Nina saw a strange man. He is standing on the road. He was looking at Nina. His face is dark and angry. Nina screamed and screamed. She was very afraid, and couldn't stop the car. The car, Nina and the cup ware in the river. Later, the police come and take the car from the river. Nina is dead.
I don't know why Nina and Per walk in the forest. If I ware Per or Nina, I never walk in the forest.
I don't like Nina, because she didn't believe older's said and leave Per in place without saying.
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